The German Technion Society has been supporting German students studying at the Technion and Technion students studying in Germany with its sponsorship programs since 1999. Since 2006 the Life Science Network for the promotion of research internships in the field of life sciences.
The exchange with the Technion influences the students’ further studies and careers in many ways. The scholarship holders themselves report on this below.

Dr. John Alexander Preuss
My experiences at the host university and how they influenced my studies and the time that followed.
The Life Science Network and the scholarship paved the way for me to complete a one-month research internship with Prof. Ester Segal at the Technion. It was an exciting time: a new country, a new culture and broadening my professional horizons at a highly renowned university. After the many theoretical lectures and specialist internships in the years before, I was full of passion to finally assert myself as a scientist in a concrete research project.
The positive experience in Prof. Ester Segal's group made me look forward to more work in international research groups. The encouragement to think science internationally is an important milestone in my scientific career. I have completed further research stays abroad as a Master's student, doctoral student and postdoc.
Type of stay
Biotechnology & Food Engineering
Prof. Ester Segal
Nanosciences and biotechnology
February 2016
– March 2016

Marina Lex
My experiences at the host university and how they influenced my studies and the time that followed.
With the help of a scholarship from the Life Science Network, I took part in a 3.5-month research internship at the Technion in the Educational NeuroImaging Group of Prof. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus from November 2022.
During my research stay, I learned how to work scientifically and how to structure and fully implement a research project.
This experience had a significant impact on my professional career and opened up many opportunities for me, particularly in my academic career. During my research stay, I realized that I enjoy working scientifically and that I am very enthusiastic about the field at the interface of data science and neuroimaging. With the help of this voluntary research stay, I was able to demonstrate essential skills in scientific work and thus find a PhD position in this field.
I am still in contact with my research group to finalize the project. In addition, my new research group in Germany and the group at the Technion would like to build relationships through me in order to exchange knowledge.
Type of stay
Educational Neuro Imaging Group (ENIG)
Professor Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, PhD.
November 2022
– February 2023

Dr. Robert Feldmann
My experiences at the host university and how they influenced my studies and the time that followed.
I came to the Laboratory of Dynamics at the Technion for the first time as part of a compulsory internship lasting several weeks during my bachelor's degree at the Technical University of Munich and gained my first experience of university research. The technical expertise of the team and their openness and enthusiasm for scientific issues inspired me to such a steep learning curve that I wanted to go into science myself and do a doctorate.
During my Master's degree, I spent another stay at the Technion from March 2013 to February 2014 as an exchange student as part of the TUMExchange program, funded by the DAAD. This also gave me the opportunity to work in other fields and I got to know the Israeli start-up ecosystem as part of several MBA courses. I then completed a term paper at the Laboratory of Dynamics from March to October 2014, again supported by the DAAD with a PROMOS scholarship.
Today, I experience my stay abroad at the Technion as a great enrichment and have fond memories of this intensive time, which had a great influence on my career.
Technion - IIT
Type of stay
Annual exchange
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Izhak Bucher, PhD.
Laboratory of Dynamics
March 2013
– October 2014

Christopher Heuer
My experiences at the host university and how they influenced my studies and the time that followed.
In spring 2017, I was at the Technion in Prof. Ester Segal's lab for a six-week research internship as part of the Life Science Network and with the help of a scholarship. I was able to get credit for this internship towards my life science degree and my stay at the Technion also resulted in an interesting topic for my subsequent Master's thesis, in which I researched silicon-based optical sensors for the detection of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
The research internship and my master's thesis at the Technion led me to a dual PhD program in which I conduct research at the Technion and Leibniz University to obtain my doctorate (PhD). I am still connected to the working group as I am currently writing my doctoral thesis as part of the Dual PhD program at the Technion and Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Type of stay
Biotechnology & Food Engineering
Prof. Ester Segal
Nanosciences and biotechnology
March 2019
– March 2023