Visit the Technion

Individual trips, group or delegation trips

The Technion has a visitor center that puts together individual programs for individuals who want to find out more about Israel’s oldest university, as well as for groups or delegations from politics and business.

A registration is min. 72 hours before the visit is required.

David and Janet Polak Visitor Center

The “David and Janet Polak Visitor Center” has an exhibition of the most important inventions of Technion researchers, as well as a 360° screen for a breathtaking run through the history of the university up to current research.

To understand the vibrant combination of education, research, and business that has led to numerous achievements for Israel, but also worldwide, every visitor is invited to explore the multimedia visitor center and join a tour of the sprawling campus.

Map Technion-City

Questions about visiting the Visitor Center

Please apply by e-mail( or
by telephone (+972-4-829 3775) from Sunday to Thursday from 8:30-15:30.

Support for the program design by the German Technion Society

The German Technion Society( supports you in planning your program and your visit to the Technion:
+49-30-88 55 44 04 (Monday to Friday 8:00-18:00).