Nobel laureate Ben Feringa visits the Technion

The 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Ben Feringa, recently gave a lecture at the Technion, discussed with eleven selected doctoral students in chemistry and planted a tree on the Nobel Trail in Lorkey Park.

He is the sixth Nobel laureate in a row to accept an invitation to explain his research to a specialist audience at the Technion as a lecturer in the prestigious “Apeloig Distinguished Visiting Lectureship” series. The American and Canadian Technion Societies have initiated this lecture series in honor of the achievements of former President, Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig.

li..: Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig and Nobel laureate Prof. Ben Feringa, right. Professors Noam Adir and Wayne Kaplan with President Prof. Uri Sivan in their midst

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